Online marketing audit

I am increasingly encountering cases of companies that do not spend their investments in online marketing efficiently. An online marketing audit conducted by external suppliers can help you identify shortcomings that you would not normally discover.

Online marketing audit includes the following activities:

  • Review of current marketing strategy and objectives
  • Review of analytics
  • Audit of current marketing communication, USPs, and pricing
  • Review of marketing KPIs and budgets
  • Website audit and analysis of its conversion rate
  • Audit of campaigns in Google Ads
  • Audit of social media campaigns (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, …)
  • SEO audit
  • Analysis of targeting relevance (target group, qualification of collected leads, …)
  • User survey

Why Choose Me as Your Partner


I have been dedicated to digital marketing since 2016. I've tried my hand at agency work, in-house positions, and freelancing. This diverse background has allowed me to gain experience in many different areas of online marketing. I maintain a keen eye for detail (especially in SEO), yet I'm also able to view marketing from a broader perspective.


Having worked on the client side, I understand the feeling of helplessness while waiting for supplier capacity. I guarantee maximum flexibility in delivering outputs. I typically respond within a few hours, and at most by the next day.

Business Orientation

I'm not interested in "green marketing audits"; I only engage in activities that have a demonstrable business benefit. Don't expect work from me that looks good only in reports or presentations.

Our Collaboration Journey

An audit cannot be conducted effectively remotely. To ensure the most beneficial results, it includes an in-person presence at the respective company, lasting from 1 to 5 working days, or longer if necessary.


Initial information meeting, expectations for mutual cooperation, sharing of analytical tools.


Personal presence on the client's side for 3-5 days, data collection.


Initial analysis, identification of initial shortcomings. Creation of a preliminary audit and definition of priorities.


Personal presentation of partial findings.


Completion of the final presentation, introduction of activity plans for the next period.

I participated in a major digital marketing audit for the German company We particularly uncovered significant technical issues during the transition to a new website, both from the perspective of organic traffic and paid campaigns. The outcome was a map of activities and priorities for the following 6 months, newly defined KPIs, and a review of collaboration with current external partners/suppliers of online marketing solutions.