Search Engine Optimization

In the digital age, where the online space is becoming increasingly competitive, SEO proves to be an essential pillar of success. Although SEO has been declared outdated several times, its importance for effective online presentation and achieving organic traffic remains unshakable. In both B2B and B2C sectors, unpaid search engine traffic is often the most effective way to gain quality conversions.

As an expert with both agency and freelance experiences, I offer the following services:

  1. High-level SEO analysis
  2. Keyword analysis
  3. SEO audit
  4. Long-term website optimization & project management
  5. Analysis of traffic decline
  6. SEO supervision during the creation of a new website
  7. SEO consulting

Common SEO issues I encounter in projects include:

  • Websites with poor content
  • Reluctance to optimize speed and core web vitals
  • Forgetting to redirect URLs while the website changes
  • Reluctance to invest in technical optimization for proprietary web solutions or flexible boxed solutions
  • Disregarding SEO principles when creating new content

I have experience with small and large e-shops, corporate companies, and online comparators. While SEO is universal, a slightly different approach suits each type of entity. I understand that every SEO proposal, however useful, costs additional money (for development, content creation, etc.). I will only suggest steps that I am fully convinced of their benefit.

Why Choose Me as Your Partner


I have been dedicated to search engine optimization since 2015. I'm not interested in "green SEO audits," but in the real business benefits of all the steps I propose.


I have also worked on the client side, so I understand the feeling of helplessness while waiting for supplier capacity. I guarantee maximum flexibility in delivering outputs.


SEO often encounters issues with limited IT capacities, lengthy approval processes, or the need for comprehensive changes. These obstacles do not deter me; in every situation, I find a solution that ensures the growth of your organic traffic.

Our Collaboration Journey


Initial non-binding meeting to clarify expectations from the cooperation.


Offer of an initial SEO analysis of the given project.


Processing and presentation of the SEO analysis, introduction of the activity plan for the next period.


Setting KPIs (i.e., measurable goals) for 6, 12, and 24 months.


Long-term optimization of the website, content, and internal training of all important stakeholders in the company (copywriters, developers, managers, ...).

I have been working on the project since 2021. My first task was to help with a significant loss of visibility in search engines after launching a new website. In the initial weeks and months of collaboration, when the main goal was to restore lost visibility, we moved on to development activities on the website that were important for gaining coverage on other relevant phrases.

During our collaboration, I helped start publishing new articles on the blog, expanding unique content sections (such as a glossary of terms), and thanks to off-page optimization, we also managed to help increase brand awareness in key markets – Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, and German.

Ekaterina Osipenko

Head of Digital Marketing at Eurowag​

I had the pleasure of working with Milan as a SEO consultant on a number of projects in B2B industry. He is highly skilled professional, always updated with fast paced industry knowledge and brilliant on achieving challenging goals. On the top of that he is a bright leader, and a strong motivator for his team, and even clients. Milan would be a great asset to any company looking for a truly devoted and results driven SEO expert, with deep knowledge also in other areas of digital marketing, such as PPC, Social Media and Digital Analytics. I wish him all the best in any future endeavors that he embarks on.

On the project, I assisted with the review and launch of a newly created website. A significant challenge was the change of URL addresses throughout the site, which is always somewhat of a challenge from an SEO perspective. Thanks to SEO checks and adherence to all “SEO best practices,” we managed to navigate the website change and its architecture without temporary or permanent loss of search engine visibility.

Jana Lužinová

Chief Marketing Office​

We collaborated with Milan on the launch of the new website. He assisted us with problematic elements of the new site and suggested options for their resolution. Thanks to the SEO review, the launch of the new website went smoothly.